Weather Station Status

This page shows the current status of the weather software used in the operation of this website.

Station system up for 0 Days 18 Hours 17 Minutes 30 Seconds
Station system free memory 8.77GB
This website uses Weather-Display (10.37S-(b151)) for weather conditions reporting.
It was last started 7:49:58 AM 7/26/2024.

Component Status Age
Latest update time as of
Sat, 27-Jul-2024 2:14am CDT
Weather-Display realtime Current 0:00:03 Sat, 27-Jul-2024 2:14am CDT
Weather-Display FTP NOT Current 0:08:38 > 0:05:15
Sat, 27-Jul-2024 2:05am CDT
Weather-Display weather data NOT Current 0:09:08 > 0:05:15
Sat, 27-Jul-2024 2:05am CDT
Weather-Display NOAA report Current 2:02:48 Sat, 27-Jul-2024 12:11am CDT
Weather-Display Month report Current 2:02:51 Sat, 27-Jul-2024 12:11am CDT
WXSIM forecast Current 0:14:08 Sat, 27-Jul-2024 2:00am CDT
Note: script(s) not current and need update(s):
AW-forecast-lang.php File not installed
AW-forecast.php File not installed
get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php File not installed
include-NOAA-reports.php File not installed
meteoalarm-codenames.json File not installed
meteoalarm-geocode-aliases.php File not installed
OWM-forecast-lang.php File not installed
OWM-forecast.php File not installed
PW-forecast-lang.php File not installed
PW-forecast.php File not installed
quake-UK.php File not installed
Settings-language.php File not installed
VC-forecast-lang.php File not installed
VC-forecast.php File not installed
WC-forecast.php File not installed
wxnoaaclimatereports.php File not installed
Use this link for details.

Hardware Status
Vantage Pro2 ISS Battery Status: Ok
ISS Packet Reception Percentage: 98% of all packets received
Vue Console Battery Voltage: 3.4 volts